In June 2011, COERR Mae Sarieng and refugees in Mae La Oon and Mae Lama Luang camps celebrated the 2 significant occasions together i.e., the World Environment Day and the World Refugee Day (June 5th and 20th), by organizing the following activities: March Rally for Environmental Conservation Campaign, Distribution of 11,268 seedlings and trees planting for Eco-agriculture promotion and food production such as Jackfruit, Betel nut, Groton, Padauk, Thorny tree, Lime, Kaffir lime, Bamboo, Papaya, and chili; Debate and drawing competitions. These activities are conducted to raise awareness in Environmental protection among refugees.
1. World Environment and World Refugee Day Activities at Mae La Oon camp, Mae Sarieng District, Mae Hong Son Province

2. World Environment and World Refugee Day Activities at Mae La Ma Luang Camp, Sob Moei District, Mae Hong Son, Province
